Monday, June 23, 2008

Scones for My Friends

Mommy made some scones with a new recipe on Tuesday and both Kieona and Kierra loved them. They asked if they could make some to bring to school so that they could share with their friends. Mommy said alright and we quickly finished dinner on Wednesday, so that we could bake some ready for Thursday morning for their classmates.

Since we had run out of raisins, Mommy improvised and used cheese and cranberries instead. The girls had much fun greasing the tins, stirring and mixing the dough, shaping the scones and laughing at each other. As we did not bake that much, Mommy reminded them that they could only have one each that night so that there will be enough to go around their class the next day. It was rather heartening to hear from the girls that they will not eat any at all that night, "so that there is enough for our friends". These words will make any mother proud.

They shaped these, with some help from Mommy
Mommy counted the scones and hoped there was enough to go around. It wouldn't be nice if any of the kids missed it. So that Thursday, they brought their scones to share with their classmates while out for a school outing at Animals Resort.

Aren't the baked scones beautiful?

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