Monday, June 23, 2008

I Found This in Her Nose!

It has been a disappointing way to end the weekend. Mommy is still troubled close to 1am on this day as she is really disturbed by what she dug out from Kieona's right nostril.

Since yesterday evening I noticed that Kieona had the sniffles, apart from the slight cough she had since early week. She was coughing a little more since Saturday around evening time as well, so Mommy didn't think very much about it, except that the cough may have gotten worse and now she's having a runny nose as well. Since she was busy with some work around bedtime, Mommy just told Daddy to feed Kieona some medicine for the runny nose as well before he went to bed. With the slight mucous at times while watching the television programme, Mommy didn't suspect anything wrong with Kieona at all.

Sunday night before bedtime, Mommy decided to ask if Kieona needed her mucous in her nose to be sucked out by Daddy with the help of the nasal aspirator with the sucking device. It didn't seem like that was much mucous, so Mommy asked if she could check Kieona's nose for dirt (which always happen to be blocking her nostrils so that she has bad sniffles). When I checked with a torchlight, I thought I saw something white in her right nostril. Mommy asked Daddy to take a look at it and Daddy said it's got to be "pee-sai". I thought it was wierd but since it was pretty deeply entrenched in the inner nostril, Mommy asked Kieona to try blowing it out. She tried but it didn't come out. Then, Mommy said she'll try to dig instead. And guess what when Mommy looked in? It was something white and while digging it out, there was blood spewing out of her nostril. Mommy thought a bone had come off and didn't know what to expect. Instinct told me to still get it out no matter.

When it was finally out, we saw what was in the picture below. Kieona must have stuck it inside her nostril and Mommy seriously didn't know where it came from, except that it must have been from some plastic pouches with zippers. Since I couldn't trace where she could have gotten it from, I woke the maid up and after some pondering, the maid said it could have been from yesterday at Nanyang Primary School. We had been there in the afternoon for a registration for P1 talk and the kids were at a child-minding session with Maria, where they were given colour pencils and pictures for colouring. This only meant one thing - that the zipper had been in her nostril since Saturday afternoon! My goodness! It was already there for more than 24 hours and it was a lucky thing we did get it out and the bleeding was not too shocking. Mommy shuddered at the thought if I did not have this instinct asking me to check.
This was the zipper which we found in Kieona's right nostril
Obviously she got a good scolding as this is not the first time she stuck something up in her nostril. She has put papers, tissue papers and some other small objects in her nose before and each time I had explained to her the dangers. Mommy really cannot figure out where she learnt this from and why she keeps doing it even after all the explanations. I am really at my wits end. Will this be the last time?

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