Sunday, June 15, 2008

Kieona the Supermodel

We sometimes get amused by the things our kids do, and sometimes they form their own ideas about what they want to do even if they have never quite been exposed to it. I know, because since a very young age, Kieona asked about modelling when Mommy didn't even know where she picked up the term "modelling". We signed her up for child modelling for a year when she was two, and didn't continue at the moment since there isn't really many jobs and Mommy's time is already so packed trying to bring them to and from enrichment classes. Modelling, Mommy feels, can take a backseat for a little while.

Kieona dear hasn't forgotten those days of primping and dressing up for the photo shoots though, and has recently started asking for modelling again. Just look at her professional-looking pose.

Pretty Kieona posing in front of the camera

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