Friday, February 09, 2007

Mei Mei has a Terrible Temper

Oh dear, this really does not bode very well. Today, Mei Mei flared up simply because Aeni took away her bowl as she was using her hands to play with her food. She screamed and after repeated failed attempts to get the bowl back, she stormed off to the toy box and got a hard toy out which she threw at the television. I was shocked, but kept my calm and told her she should not be doing that. Guess what? She ran into Aeni's room, screaming all the way and refused to come out. When Aeni when to look in on her, she ran towards the door and screamed again at her. After I told everyone else to ignore her, she came out after realising that no one will be checking on her again.

I certainly hope this is a passing phase and that she will outgrow it very soon.

Kieona, on the other hand has been a real darling. The past two weeks have been the best times of my life with her. She seems more confident of herself, happier, more sociable and independent than I have ever seen her. My, am I really proud of her.

Keep it up Kieona!

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