Thursday, February 01, 2007

First signs of Vanity - Nail Jobs

Two tiny feet with nails painted pink

These two girls at the age of barely three and more than one respectively seems to have started their journey into the vanity world - by having their first nail jobs done, courtesy of Mommy.

Just two weeks ago, Mommy decided that it is time to beautify herself again and bought some nail colours. Kieona came home and started to ask about it, so Mommy had her toe nails painted. After it was cleaned away a few days ago, Kieona asked more about painting them again, and Kierra when she saw it asked to have hers painted too. Kieona told her she was too little, but Mommy seeing Kierra's disappointment and pleas, decided to paint just the big toe nails. After painting Kierra's big toe nails, she pointed to her other toes and also her finger nails and kept saying "want, want". The fun part was that they both never touched the nails because Mommy told them that they should not if they don't want to smudge the painted nails.

The two girls are definitely into looking good, Mommy have no qualms about it. These, are truly the joys a full-time Mommy - watching them grow and sharing with them these special moments.

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