Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kieona & Kierra, & Zhor Zhor

Stella Kor Poh, Zhu Kor Poh, Zhor, Kieona & Kierra
When Daddy was away in Korea, Mommy sure had a busy time over that weekend, settling business matters as well as visiting. We visited Zhor Zhor too that Sunday. She's sort of bedridden most of the time, and is still recovering from the last stay at the hospital. The girls had a fair bit of fun "modelling", as well as helping Granduncle Steve and Dee Pek Gong cleaning out one of the rooms. Mommy is as usual a proud Mommy. Which Mommy wouldn't feel so when her kids volunteer to help out without prompting?

Well, I like to think that being there for them these few years have paid off - in the way they volunteer to help, in their behavior (most of the time), in their confidence when speaking with adults, their empathy for others less fortunate, in their level of competence in finding solutions. The feeling is just fantastic!!
For vanity's sake

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