Friday, November 30, 2007

Concert: Little Tree and Little Dwarf

Proud is Daddy, Mommy, Ah Gong, Gu Gu, Uncle Damian and Bibik Maria when we waited with anticipation in the audience for our little darlings performance last Saturday. Mommy like last year, had to help out with the ushering of the guests so we all went early. The theme for this year's Skoolhouse in the Spring concert was Fairytale (or something like that) and Mommy was dressed up as a fairy in white flowy long dress complete with fairy wings together with another Mommy volunteer from the school. Mommy spotted Kieona an Kierra going to the holding area and tried to hide in case Kierra starts bawling when she sees me. Ahh, that was such a non-event as they seemed to absorbed by the surrounding to even notice me.

Everything went well, and Kierra was dressed in a red dwarf costume. She looked really cute and really lost. She's one of the dwarves in Snow White & The Seven Dwarves. Throughout the entire segment, she just stared blankly most of the time. We all wondered what was on her mind. But of course, this did not stop her from the audience commenting that that kid in red is so cute as she was just staring.....

Kieona was all another story. This year she was not at all afraid. Being tasked to be a tree for Sleeping Beauty (yeah, she's part of the forest), she was cheeky right from the start. As Ms Sonia moved her postion (she was too near to Ravshaan, who was the other tree) by holding her up by her arms, she just lifted up both legs and giggled with the audience also smiling at that action. Although the tree didn't have to move very much except the "growing" action much like stretching, Kieona seemed to have lots of fun in her green costume. Well, of course most of the other times, she was just talking on stage with Ravshaan, which prompted Gu Gu from asking is that was her best friend. :) Honestly, we do not know.

Below are some pictures we've taken at the concert. Enjoy. :)

The sexy little tree....
Little blur dwarf
Fairy usher....
One for the album.....

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