Sunday, December 31, 2006

You Walk Walk, I Knock Knock

These were the exact words Kieona said when we were getting out of the car while at the car park at our place. We had just been back from lunch at Great-Grandma's place. Mommy had already got out of the car, and while waiting for Mommy to open Kieona's side of the door to get her out of her car seat (Mommy was still talking to Daddy), Kieona suddenly knocked on the window.

When Mommy realised that Kieona was probably getting too bored from waiting and opened the door, Kieona said out loud, "Mommy, you walk walk, I knock knock". Wow! Doesn't that rhyme?

Yeap, it may not make a lot of sense, but don't you agree it's a good rhyme afterall? This is also the first time Kieona tried to string together words into a poem. Yes, Kieona's first poem. :)

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